Největší rozdíly ve mzdách žen a mužů jsou na obchodních pozicích a v účetnictví
Praha 12. září 2024 - Jen 27 % Čechů nevnímá rozdíly v odměňování mužů a žen. Jedná se nejčastěji o kvalifikované pracovníky mezinárodních firem...
Employers across industries are raising wages and benefits, but many sectors are having difficulty filling jobs, according to a survey by the recruitment agency Grafton Recruitment.
"The labor market in the Czech Republic is facing uncertainties this year, caused by both the unresolved pandemic crisis and the conflict triggered by Russia against Ukraine. While the labor market has learned to live with the pandemic in many areas, the state of war has not allowed it to develop as originally anticipated," Martin Malo, director of Grafton Recruitment and Gi Group, said.
Unemployment can be expected to oscillate between 2.7 percent and 3.3 percent in the subsequent period, but that is only if the darkest scenario of an energy crisis does not occur, according to Grafton.
Full article.