how to use a recruitment agency to find a job

How to Use a Recruitment Agency to Find a Job

How to Use a Recruitment Agency to Find a Job

At present, recruitment agencies play a very important role in the labour market. This is because a number of companies look for suitable candidates only through such agencies. There is therefore no other way for you to find out about some job offers other than through an agency. Agencies receive payment from companies to find new employees, therefore the services are free of charge for candidates.

Process of selection

  • Firstly, a recruitment agency receives a specification from a company that is looking for a new employee. Subsequently, the agency advertises this offer not only on its website but also on specialized job portals. It also searches for specific talents on the internet, using social networks or recommendations, and directly contacts the selected candidates. If interested, job candidates send their CVs to the agency. Those people whose CV is already in the agency's possession only have to contact their consultant and state that they are interested in the job.
  • An HR professional pre-selects suitable candidates, calls them and conducts the first interview to verify their communication and language skills. Subsequently, selected candidates are invited to the recruitment agency for an in-person interview.
  • Sometimes a candidate must, in addition to the interview, prove their competence in a language test, a psychometric online test, a short presentation or a group assessment centre.
  • Where the candidate proves to be competent to get the job, the recruitment agency recommends them to the company for an interview.
  • Before the interview, the candidate is contacted by the agency's consultant and informed about what to be careful about and what to avoid. The consultant will also refer the candidate to resources such as Questions during interview or How to prepare for a job interview. The following step is then a face to face meeting with the employer.
  • If the company selects you, you will get an offer to sign an employment contract.
  • Throughout the selection procedure candidates are in touch with HR specialists, who inform them of the results of interviews and tests. In case of failure, each candidate receives feedback in the form of analysis of the causes of failure and any mistakes they may have made and that they should avoid in the future.
  • If a candidate is interested in subsequent job offers, they should respond by resending their CV or contacting the personal consultant.

If you are looking for a job, have a look at our offers of permanent or temporary jobs. If you are not sure whether it really makes sense to look for a job through an agency, we recommend you to read the article 10 reasons why you should look for a job through a recruitment agency.